It is Dr. Johnson Cherian’s desire to take the Gospel to all parts of the world through every means possible. For the past 28 years he has been laboring for the same through all channels that the Lord has opened up for him.
It’s a great joy for him to let the whole world know that Jesus Christ is his Savior & the Savior of the world and that He is the only one who saves, heals, delivers and grants eternal life and peace that passes all understanding.In this endeavor of his, he has been preaching the “Good News of the Gospel” in India and abroad.
The varied facets of his ministry caters to the needs of believers and unbelievers alike. He has been preaching and teaching the “Full Gospel” for the past 28 years. Web Evangelism has extended the boundaries of his ministry by leaps and bounds. He is able to reach out to 1000’s everyday through the World Wide Web. He believes that this generation will surely witness the “Return” of our Lord Jesus Christ and is going full throttle in doing His work in these last days through all channels available.